What is Gatsby.js?
Gatsby.js is free and opensource Framework based on React. It is a one of the most popular static site Generator that makes easy to build fast and interactive website using React. It is also built on GraphQL (Query Language), so you can query date and display them on your static website any way you want.
Official Website definition: Gatsby is an open source, modern website Framework that builds performance into every site by leveraging the latest web technologies such as React and GraphQL. Create blazing fast apps and website without needing to become a performance expert.
What are the features of Gatsby?
Some important features of Gatsby.
- It is Robust and High security
- fast-static site generator
- It is based on Node, React, and GraphQL
- Reusable components
- Webpack bundling and latest tooling
- High Speed and Developer Experience
- Styling and responsive images
- Rich plugin Ecosystem
What is a PRPL?
PRPL stands for Push, Render, Pre-Cache, Lazy Load. It is a website architecture developed by Google for building Web apps and websites that work exceptionally well on smartphones and other devices with unreliable network connections.
What are some of the Gatsby CLI Commands?
- New
- Develop
- Build
- Plugin
- info
- Serve
- Clean
- repl
What are functional plugins?
Functional Plugins simply extends the ability of Gatsby. An example of Gatsby plugin react helmet which allows the manipulation of the head of our document.
What is the source and Transformer Plugins?
Source Plugin: To connect your Gatsby.js build process to data, which usually is external can sometimes be internal, too. Data in Gatsby sites can come from anywhere. e.g: APIs, Databases, CMSs, Local files, etc.
Transformer plugin: A transformer plugin takes an input and transforms it wholly or in parts.
What is UseStaticQuery?
It is a hook that takes a GraphQL Query and returns the data.
What are pros of Gatsby.js?
- Free and Opensource
- Live Reload
- Static site and react app in one
- Based on React and GraphQL
- Built in code and data splitting
- Take content from any source
- Speed security and developer experience.