What is Angular 8?
Angular is one of the most popular and open sources Front-end or Client-side scripting framework for building Mobile and Desktop Apps. Angular is written in TypeScript language and It is compiled into JavaScript. Angular community has released the latest version Angular 8 on 28 May 2019.This version contains some of new features, lot of performance and Workflow Improvements.
What’s New in Angular 8?
- Angular Ivy
- Support for TypeScript (Higher Version)
- Support for Bazal
- Support for Web Worker Bundling
- New changes in ViewChild and ContentChild
- Builder API and Workspace APIs in the CLI (Command Line Interface)
- Differential Loading by Default
- Improvements in AngularJS Migration
- Lazy Loading with Dynamics Imports
- Opt-in usage sharing
- Angular Firebase
- Use of SVG as a template
What are the Building Blocks of Angular?
The Main Building blocks of Angular are:
- Directives
- Modules
- Components
- Meta Data
- Templates
- Data Binding
- Dependency injection
- Services
What are the services?
Service is a broad category encompassing any value, function, or feature that app needs. A service is typically a class with an arrow, well defined purpose.
Which command is used to create service?
$ ng g service myservice
The above command generates sleleton myservice class in src/appmyservice.service.ts.
What is the use of Angular 8 Pipe?
It is used to transform data. It is denoted by symbol “|”.
{{ title | uppercase }}
What are the some Built in Pipes in Angular 8?
- Lowercase Pipe
- Uppercase Pipe
- Data Pipe
- Decimal Pipe
- Percent pipe
- Currency Pipe
- Slice Pipe
- JSON pipe
Which command is used to create a custom Pipe?
ng g pipe myfirst
this will create a new file called myfirst. pipe.ts. After, Open myfirst. pipe ts
What is Directive?
A directive modifies or manipulate the DOM by changing the appearance, behaviour or layout of DOM elements. Angular Directives are basically a js Class.
What are the different Directives?
There are three different directives:
- Component directives
- Attribute Directives
- Structural Directives
What is Angury?
Angury is an Application inspection tool for angular which runs in a web browser. It runs as your chrome browser extension for the developer’s tool panel.
What is Angular iIvy?
Ivy is the new compiler/runtime of Angular. It is the code name for angular’s next generation compilation and rendering pipeline. Or It is a complete rewrite of the angular render which is the part of angular that transforms your angular templates into JS code.
What is Bazel in Angular 8?
Bazel is build tool developed and used by Google. The angular community is working to integrate Bazel tool in to the standard angular toolset to enable developers to perform faster builds on large projects
What is ng in Angular?
Ng stands for A ‘ng ‘ular. It is a Prefix. All of the built-in directives that craft with angular use that Prefix.
What syntax is used to create a new library?
Open angular CLI and write the following syntax to create a new library
Syntax: ng generate library my-library.
What is the use of ngIf directive?
It is allowing to add/remove DOM element.
What is the use of ngSwitch Directive?
It will enable us to add/remove Dom element. It is same as the switch statement C#.
What is the use of ngFor Directive?
It is used to repeat apart of HTML template once per each item from an iterable list
What is the use of ngClass Directive?
It used to add/remove CSS class
What is the use of ngStyle Directive?
It is used to modify the style of an HTML element using expression and also used to change the styles of HTML element dynamically.
How to create a module in Angular 8?
A module is created by using the angular function angular.module
<div ng-app=””interviewgig””>…</div>
var app= angular.module(“interviewgig”,[]);
How the HttpClient.get() method works?
The httppClient get() method is designed to send Http gGet requests.
Check The below syntax:
get(url: string, options: {
headers?: HttpHeaders;
observe: ‘response’;
params?: HttpParams;
reportProgress?: boolean;
responseType?: ‘json’;
withCredentials?: boolean;
}): Observable<HttpResponse<Object>>;
It takes attest API endpoint and an optional options object and returns an observable instance
What are Pros and Cons of Angular 8?
- Reusability
- Easy and Clean Code Development
- Higher Performance
- Ivy renderer
- Unit testing
- Angular Elements
- Better Angular CLI
- It supports multiple apps in one domain
- Steep Learning curve
- Angular is verbose and very Complex
- Third party integration is complicated
- Hard to debug Limited routing
- Angular CLI Documentation