Can you explain Apache Ambari?
Apache Ambari is nothing but a project which is solely focused to make the life simple while using the Hadoop management system. This software helps to manage and providing the comfort zone in terms of the following aspect like:
- Provisioning easily
- Managing to our convenience
- Monitoring Hadoop cluster
- Provides intuitive interface
- Support to backed up RESTful API
- It provides to use the easy Hadoop management web UI.
What are the tools that are we needed or helps to build Ambari?
Tools that are needed to build the Ambari are:
- Pyton 2.6 or later
- Apache Maven 3.3.9 or later
- JDK 7±
- Node JS
- Xcode in case of Mac
- G++
What is the latest version of Ambari that is available in the present market?
The latest version of the ambary is 2.6.2.
In Ambari 2.6.2 version added the following features:
- It will be protected Zeppelin notebook SSL credentials
- And we can set the appropriate HTTP headers to use the cloud object stores with HDP.
- In Ambari 2.6.1 version added the following features:
- The conditional installation of LZO packages through Ambari.
- In Ambari 2.6.0 version added the following features:
- Host recovery improvements for restart
- The moving masters with minimum impact and scale testing
- Distributed mode of AMS(Ambari Mertics System’s) along with the multiple collectors.
- Improvements in the Data Archival and Purging in Ambari Infra.
Explain the core benefits for hadoop users by using the Apache Ambari?
Apache ambary is a gift to the individuals who use the hadoop in their daily work life.
By using the Ambari, hadoop users will get the core benefits like:
- Simplified the installing process
- Simplified the configuration and overall management
- It has the centralized setup security process
- And it gives the out full visibility in terms of cluster health
- It has extensively extendable and has an option to customize if it needed.
Explain repository in Apache Ambari?
Repository is a space where it hosts the software packages which can be used for download and the installing process. Apache provides different versions of the repositories that are in OS specific. Based on the internet access there are two formats of repositories.
- Tarball (.tar format,, if we don’t have internet access)
- Repo file(.repo format, for the temporary internet access)
How to setup the local repository manually?
It is used only there is no active internet connection is available. So we have to setup a local repository to, follow the below steps:
- First and foremost, set to host wit Apache httpd
- Next to download Tarball copy for every reposity entire contents
- Once it’s downloaded, one has to extract the content.
What is the local repository and where it is useful while using Ambari environment?
A local repository is nothing but hosted space in local environment. Usually the local repository is set up when the machines don’t have an active internet connection or restricted or very limited network access. With the use of this setup, the user will be able to obtain Ambari and HDP software packages.
In Ambari what are the different life cycle commands?
In Ambari the different life cycle commands are:
- Status
- Install
- Configure
- Start
- Stop
What bit version ambary needs and list out the operating system that are compatible?
Apache ambari is compatible with the 64-bit version and the following operating systems are used to implement the ambary:
- Ubuntu 12 & 14
- CentOS 6 and 7
- Debian 7
- SLES (Suse Linex Enterprise Server) 11
- OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linex) 6 and 7
- RHEL (Redhat Enterprise linux) 6 and 7
What are the types of Ambari repositories are available?
There are four types of Ambari respositories are available. They are:
- Ambari: These is used for Ambari server, Ambari agent and the other monitoing software packages.
- HDP: These is used to host hadoop stack packages.
- HDO – UTILS: It is used for all the utility packages for Ambari and HDP are available.
- EPEL: It is used to stands for “Extra packages for Enterprise Linux. It has a set of additional packages for the Enterprise linux.
What are the areas where Ambari helps the system administrators to do?
There are 3 major function of Apache Ambari is:
- Provision of Hadoop Cluster
- Manage Hadoop Cluster
- Monitor Hadoop Cluster
Can Ambari manage multiple clusters and why?
No, In present Ambari can manage only one cluster. However, we can do remotely view the “views” of other clusters in the same instance.
What are components of Ambari tjat are important for Automation and Integration?
The components of Ambari are imported for the integration and automation. Those are actually divided into three pieces of information. They are:
- Ambari stacks
- Ambari Blueprints
- Ambari API
Ambari built from scratch and it is deals with the Automation and the Integration problems carefully.
In which language Ambari shell is developed?
The Ambari shell is developed in the “JAVA” language and it is actually based on the spring shell framework and Ambari REST.
What does the Ambari Shell can be provided?
Ambari Shell can be provided an interactive and handy command line tool that actually supports the following:
- All the functionality available in Ambari Web-app
- All the availability context-aware
- Tab completion
- If any needed required parameters to be supported.
Define Yum?
Yum is package manager which actually fetches the software packages from the repository.
On RHEL/CentOS, typically “yum”,
On SLES, typically “zipper”.
What are the all tasks we can perform for managing services using the Ambari service tab?
By using services tab, we can perform the following tasks:
- To start and sop of all services
- To Display the service operating summary
- Adding a service
- To change the configuration settings
- Performing service actions
- Rolling restarts
- Background operations monitoring
- By using the quick links
- Service removal
- YARN capacity refresh scheduler
- Auditing operations
- HDFS management
- In a storm environment Atlas management.
What are the different tasks we can perform managing host using Ambari host tab?
By using the host tab, we can perform following tasks:
- Managing the host components
- Performing the host related actions
- Decommissioning a Slave node or Master node
- Host status analysing
- Hosts page searching
- Establishing the rack awareness
- Removing or adding hosts to clusters
- Maintenance mode setting up
- Deleting the components
Is Ambari python clients can be used to make the good use of Ambari API’S?
Yes, Ambari Python client can be used to make good use of the Ambari API’s.
What are the components of Apache Ambari Architecture?
The components of Apache ambary are:
- Ambari server: A server which handles all the metadata, and it contains the instance of Postgres database is what we call Ambari Server. In the cluster, each host attains one copy of Ambari agent by which Ambari server control the each host.
- Ambari agent: Agent is an active member of the host. Its main purpose is send heartbeats from the nodes to the Ambari server along with multiple operational metrics. Moreover, it helps to decide health status of the nodes.
- Ambari web: A client-side Java Script application that periodically accesses Ambari RESTful API in order to perform cluster operations is what we call Ambari Web UI. By using the RESTful API, it helps to asynchronous communication between the applications as well as the server.
What are the methods to set up the local repository in different methods?
There are two ways to setup the local repositories. It can be depends upon how we can execute and based on our active internet connection.
- All mirror the packages to the local repository.
- If in case first method doesn’t work out then to download all the Repository Tarball and start building the local repository.
What are the independent extensions that contributed to the Ambari codebase?
The independent extensions that contributed to Ambari Codebase are as follows:
- Ambari SCOM Management Pack.
- Apache Slider view.
What are the different tools used for the Ambari monitoring purpose?
In the Ambari monitoring purpose there are two open sources. They are:
Explain the functionalities of Ganglia in Ambari?
In Ambari the functionalities of ganglia are:
- cluster monitoring
- identified trending patens
- collecting metrics in the clusters
- To support the detailed heatmaps.
Explain the functionalities of the Nagios in Ambari?
In ambari the functionalities of the Nagios are:
- The health checking of nodes and the sending alerts.
- To send the alert notifications of email and the server type.
Can you define the process of creating Ambari client?
The following code will be helps to create the Ambari client::
from ambari_client.ambari_api import AmbariClient
headers_dict={‘X-Requested-By’:’mycompany’} #Ambari needs X-Requested-By header
client = AmbariClient(“localhost”, 8080, “admin”, “admin”, version=1,http_header=headers_dict)
print client.version
print client.host_url
How can we have to see the all hosts that are available in the Ambari?
all_hosts = client.get_all_hosts()
print all_hosts
print all_hosts.to_json_dict()
How can we have to see all the clusters that are available in Ambari?
all_clusters = client.get_all_clusters()
print all_clusters.to_json_dict()
print all_clusters