Are you preparing for Microsoft job interview? In this article, weโve prepared Microsoft HR and Technical top Interview Questions for freshers & experienced. These questions can be asked in many ways. Be ready to answers these interview questions.
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HR Interview Questions
- Introduce yourself?
- Who is the CEO of Microsoft?
- Why Microsoft?
- Walk me through your resume?
- Tell me something about your projects?
- What are your hobbies?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What are the current trending technologies?
- What do you think is your biggest achievement?
- What motivates you? Or what motivates you to join in Microsoft?
- Tell me about our company (Microsoft)?
- How do you handle stress? Or how will you manage a team under pressure?
- What are the long term goals and short term goals?
- Why do you want to work in Microsoft? Or why do you love working here?
- Why do want this job?
- Why should I hire you?
- Why did you choose this career (IT)?
- Tell us about the skills which are required for this position?
- What kind of a manger would you be?
- Are you a team player or team lead? Why? Or Are you open leader ship roles?
- What are your favourite subjects in your graduation? Or what was the last book you read?
- What are the Cons that Gmail has? Can you suggest some means to overcome it?
- What qualifications do you have that make you think that you will be successful in this career?
- Tell me your favourite products from Microsoft?
- What is the important to you? Money or work?
- What interests you about our service?
- What do you know about recent trends in IT industry?
- Can you work under pressure or client deadlines?
- How many offers you have with you?
- Do you know anyone who works for Microsoft?
- Rate your communication skills and your interview? (1-10)
- How do you feel about working in night shifts and weekends?
- What do you believe are your roles and responsibilities in this Company?
- How can you contribute to this Company?
- If you face a problem with your own performance, what would you do?
- What is difference between hard work and soft work?
- What strategy applies to handle main project?
- What qualities do you feel a successful manger should have?
- What philosophy guides you in work?
- Why are you an ideal candidate for this position?
- Where do you see yourself in next five years?
- What would you do if you are not hired today? Or how can you assure that you will join by that time?
- Would you forego this job if you get a better opportunity?
- If you come across work place harassment what would you do?
- Tell me something about your family background?
- Are you willing to relocate or travel? Or Are you comfortable working any where?
- What are your salary expectations? Or How much salary are you except?
- Do you have any questions for us?
Technical Interview Questions
- What is software engineer?
- What is engineering?
- What is scripting language?
- What is OOPS?
- What is a BST?
- What is a APM?
- What is Hotfix?
- What is Framework?
- What is share point? And Function?
- What is ASP.Net?
- What is ADO?
- What is .Net?
- What is defrag?
- What is HTML?
- What is XML?
- What DLLS?
- What is NTFS?
- What is IIS?
- What are partitions?
- What is Cloud Computing?
- What do you know about Azure Cloud service?
- What is the frequency at which you should check Microsoft updates?
- What is Operating system?
- What is difference between iOS and OS?
- What is difference between windows OS and Linux OS?
- What is the difference between android and iOS?
- What is windows XP and full form of XP?
- What file system is supported by windows?
- Who is the father of windows?
- What is the difference between 32 bit and 64-bit operating system?
- What is duel boot system?
- What are the different types of system calls?
- Why code optimization is important?
- Explain how do you implement LRU?
- What is significance of code optimization?
- What does Dynamic library contain?
- What is Scandisk?
- What is registry?
- What is stored procedure?
- Can you explain Memory Management system?
- What is C language or Java?
- Why C is procedural language?
- Draw a circle without floating point arithmetic
- What is Binary tree?
- What is the difference between C and C++?
- What is the difference between Java and C++?
- What is the difference between oops and C?
- What is the difference between an interface and an Abstract class?
- What is the difference between compilers and interpreters?
- Can you define syntax error and semantic errors?
- What is Class?
- What is Object?
- What is Queue, Array?
- What is string?
- What is Node?
- What is sorting?
- What is Loop?
- What is Plug_and_play?
- What is COM?
- What is interrupt? And types?
- How to remove duplicates from a string?
- What is Linked list?
- Given an address of anode in a singly linked list, delete that node?
- Write a pseudo code to reverse a linked list?
- What are two dimensional linked lists?
- What is run length encoding?
- How to validate given Ip address?
- Write a algorithm to separate all ones & zeros in an array
- Write an algorithm to separate all ones & zeros in an array?
- Write a algorithm to find the depth of a binary tree
- Write down to prime algorithm?
- What is Banker algorithm?
- How do you reverse linked list of size n in different languages?
- How will you prevent collision in hashing?
- What is hashing?
- How will you implement a hash map using tree
- Find the nthnode from the end of a singly linked list?
- Find an element in an array of infinite size?
- What is the size of an array be declared at runtime?
- What is Microsoft security patches?
For Answers See below Links
C Interview Questions and Answers
C++ Interview Questions and Answers
OOPs Interview Questions and Answers
Java Interview Questions and Answers