What is Next.js?
Next is a free, lightweight, and opensource react framework for static and server-side rendering. By using Next.js, easy to build a frontend react web Applications.
What are the Main features of Next.js?
The list of next.js main features:
- Automatic Routing
- Dynamic Components-Easy to import JavaScript modules and react components dynamically
- Server -side Rendering
- Automatics code splitting for faster page loads
- Source map support
- Single file components
- Static export
- Prefetching
- Simple depolyment
- Full CSS Support-Built in CSS and Pre-processing via Plugins
- Easy to customize babel and webpack configurations
- TypeScript Support-Next.js written in Typescript.
- AMP pages
How to install Next.js?
To Install Next.js, you need have node.js install. (Latest version)
After install NodeJS, Check Below NPM code
npm install –save next react react-dom
Add a build script:
 “scripts”: {
   “dev”: “next”,
   “build”: “next build”,
   “start”: “next start”
After that, the file-system is the main API. Every .js file becomes a route that gets automatically processed and rendered.
Create a page’s directory inside your project.
Populate ./pages/index.js with the following contents:
function HomePage() {
 return <div>Welcome to Next.js!</div>
export default HomePage
Check More: https://nextjs.org/docs/getting-started
Why Next.js?
- Simple client-side routing
- Generating a static website with Next.js
- Deploy Any ware
- Own webpack configuration
- Server side-Rendering
- Fully extensible
- Lazy loaded modules
What is SSR?
SSR stands for Server-side rendering. It is a one of the popular techniques for rendering a normally client-side only single page app (SPA) on the server and then sending a fully rendered page to the client. Server side rendered pages will load faster because the content is available to the browser sooner.
How to configure build id in Next.js?
Open next.config.js and add the generateBuildId function     Â
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
  generateBuildId: async () => {
 // For example get the latest git commit hash here
 return ‘my-build-id’;
How to Configuring onDemandEntries in Next.js?
Add the onDemandEntries config:
module.exports = {
 onDemandEntries: {
   // period (in ms) where the server will keep pages in the buffer
   maxInactiveAge: 25 * 1000,
   // number of pages that should be kept simultaneously without being disposed
   pagesBufferLength: 2,
How to view localhost with Next.js?
By default, localhost:3000
How to add Angular to Next.js?
Next.js is React framework for SSR. There is Angular Universal for SSR with Angular.
How to use CSS-in-JS solutions?
You can use any CSS-in-JS solution in your and bundles styled-jsx supporting scoped css.
Can you explain, how to migrate from create-react-app to Next.js?
Create-react-app and next.js project is the routing system since Next.js creates different bundles for each base address. For each route, a separate file is created in the page folder. So, you need to use next/Link component instead of react-router-dom. Also, keep in mind that for static files the static folder is used, but not public, and bundles are located in the folder.next