What is SAP SD?
SAP SD handles all the processes of order to delivery. It executes the business processes used in selling, shipping and billing of product and services.
What are the primary functions of Sales and Distribution?
- Inquiries & Quotes
- Sales Orders
- Sales Return
- Consignment
- Contract & Scheduling Agreements
- Credit & Debit Memo requests
- Rush Orders & Cash Sales
- Back Orders
What is transfer order?
Transfer order is created for picking the goods in warehouse management. Transfer order contain
- Material Number
- Quantity to be moved
- Source storage bin to destination storage bin.
Through this transfer order picking list generated.
What are the fields in pricing procedure?
There are 16 pricing fields that are given below:
- Step
- Counter
- Condition type
- Description
- From
- To
- Manual
- Mandatory
- Statistic
- Print
- Subtotal
- Requirement
- Alternative calculation type
- Alternative condition base value
- Account key
- Accrual
What is the organizational structure in sales and distribution?
The organizational structure in sales and distribution is
- Sales Organization
- Distribution Channel
- Division
- Sales Office
- Sales Group
What are the Standard output types in SD?
- BA00 for order
- LD00 for delivery
- RD00 for billing
- RD03 for Cash sales
How shipping point is determined?
Shipping point is determined by,
Shipping Conditions + Loading Group + Delivery Plant = Shipping Point
What is Condition type?
Condition type is a pricing element such as discount, freight, surcharge. This are used in pricing procedure to represent condition record.
What is difference between delivery document & scheduling?
Delivery document is an electronic document where store when how much quantity of materials and where the materials should go on the other side, scheduling represent when materials will be delivered in that case backward scheduling and forward scheduling is used.
How is item category determined?
In general item category determination is happened through sales document type+item usage+item category group+higher level item category +default item category
In the creating from reference document item category determination is happened from copy control where source item category to target item category.if it is not maintained ,item category determination is happened though normal determination like sales document type+ item usage+item category group + higher level item category+default item category.
What is Extract used in condition tech. in pricing?
Condition table+Access sequence+Condition type+pricing procedure = condition technique.
The above extract is used to find suitable condition record.
What is the difference between plant and storage location?
A plant may be delivering plant and production plant and storage plant.
In Sales and Distribution, since plant is assigned with sales organization and distribution channel, it is called delivering plant.
Storage location, where the materials are stored, that is called storage location. storage location is located in plant. Many storage locations can be located in one plant.
What is Lean Warehouse Management?
Lean warehouse management is a small part of function provided by warehouse management structure. It only includes fixed bin storage. it switches off some functions of warehouse management activities that are given below: storage section
- Reserve storage bin
- Strategy to put away and picking
- Replenishment
- Inventory of storage bin level.
What is the purpose of sales document type?
Sales document will determine whether the process will be cash sales or rush order
- It will determine the process whether the order will be normal order or release order.
- It will determine what will be the delivery type of an order.
- It will determine what will be the billing type of an order.
What is an integration point between SD AND MM?
When order is created availability check and transfer of requirement is happened, that is one SD and MM integration point.
In the case of delivery picking is happened and after that PGI is happened that is another integration point of SD and MM.
What are MRP types?
MRP Means How the material is planned-such as Automatic reorder point planning, annual reorder point planning, Forecast Planning.
What is use of customer Account group?
Customer Account group control the master data of customer
- It helps to determine customer number assignment
- It helps to determine which field should be optional and which field should be mandatory and hide.
- It controls transaction of a customer master
Why does the customer master have different views?
There are three views in customer master data that are given below:
General Data: general data is applicable for accounting and sales and distribution purpose Address, Control data, payment transaction, marketing, unloading point, export data, contact person
Company Code Data: Company code data is applicable only accounting purpose.
Account management, payment transaction, correspondence, insurance
Sales area Data: sales area data is applicable only sales and distribution purpose.
Sales, shipping, billing, partner function.
What is t-code for listing the blocked documents?
T-code of listing blocked VKM1.
What is batch split?
When products are coming from different batch and its batch number are different, batch split are happened.
what is Proforma Invoice and what are the types of it?
Proforma invoice is a reference doc for import and export negotiations. The standard proforma invoice doc types are
- With reference to order – F5
- With reference to delivery- F8
What is Product attributes?
By defining product attributes, you take customer preferences for product substitution into account. For example, you may have customers who refuse products produced abroad, or products that contain a coupon. When you define product attributes, the system checks them in product selection, ignoring any material with a product attribute that the customer has explicitly rejected.
What is difference between SD account key and FI account key?
As far as account key concern both are the same to find the right G/L Account through condition technique.SD account key will be from pricing procedure. On the other hand, FI account key will be from tax procedure.
How is credit control determined?
Credit control area determined by credit control area+Credit Risk Category+Credit group.
What are the parameters in FD32?
you can see overview of the customer, address of the customer, central data of customer, status and payment history of the customer.
What is the difference between routine and requirements?
Routines define which field should copy from reference document to target document.
Requirement should meet when is being copied from source document to target document. If requirement is not met, a warning message is displayed or process may be terminated.
What is condition supplement and why is it used?
Condition supplement don’t have any access sequence. They found together underlying one condition record. You set allowed condition supplement in customizing for the main condition type by assigning different pricing procedure. In the case of creation of sales order, when pricing procedure is taken into account, condition supplement is applied.
What is the difference between milestone and periodic billing?
Milestone billing is used in Plant engineering and construction, full amount of money is spreading over several dates within billing plan.
Periodic billing is used in Rental contract. Full amount of money is billed over certain period of time.
What is the landscape?
They system landscape basically is the set-up or arrangement of your SAP servers. Ideally, in an SAP environment, a three-system landscape exists. A three-system landscape consists of the Development Server-DEV, Quality Assurance Server-QAS and the Production Server-PROD. This kind of set-up is not primarily designed to serve as server clusters in case of system failure, the objective to enhance “configuration pipeline management”.
What is variant in reporting?
Variant is a variation of report which delivered either R/3 system or save it. Each variant contains different fields that are populated when you call up the report.
What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Credit Check?
Static credit check is a check which is comparing the credit limit assign to the customer to the total value of open sales order, plus total value of open delivery that are not yet to invoiced plus total amount billing document that are yet to be passed on accounting plus total value of billing amount that are yet to be paid by customer.
Dynamic credit is a check which is comparing the credit limit assign to the customer to the total value of open sales order, plus total value of open delivery that are not yet to invoiced plus total amount billing document that are yet to be passed on accounting plus total value of billing amount that are yet to be paid by customer.
But, difference is that time period (credit horizon) is attached with dynamic credit states that the system is not calculated all open item and all open value after credit horizon. On the other hand, there is not time period is not attached with static credit limit. For this reason, all open items and all open values is taken into account.
What is difference between the item proposal and dynamic proposal?
In item proposal, when you enter details in sales document and click the propose items to get item list of the customer regularly purchases On the other hand, once you specify the sold-to-party and press enter, system automatically gives the list of materials for the customer regularly in a faster way than item proposal.
What is a field catalog?
A field catalog is a list of newly added field. If you want to create table, you have to create field that is added to field catalogue. After that you can create table.
What is the difference between condition type EK01 and EK02?
EK01 is used as actual cost and EK02 is used as calculated cost. Both are used in make-to-order production. In the case of EK01, unit cost is issued first position on the conditions screen for the items. The value can be used for the basis of price determination.
On the other hand, in the case of EK02, the result of unit costing is simply a statistical value which is compared with price.
What are the user exits?
User Exit is the place where you can enhance sap documents and you can activate and deactivate some fields and create some fields through coding. Even, you can create new routine and formula through coding. But, you cannot change standard sap document. This is can be done by ABAP (Advance Business Application Programming).
What is pricing procedure?
Pricing procedure will determine how pricing take place in sales order and billing. In Pricing procedure there are condition types and there are 16 columns which control the condition types to determine how the condition type will behave in a pricing procedure.